COMAX LIMITED legal support involves legal counseling of enterprises on any legal issues. Our clients receive a variety of advantages:
We deal with any legal problems.
An individual approach to each client allows us to stay in tune with particular business environment of our business partners.
We inform our clients about changes in the legal sector on a regular basis, in case they can influence our customers’ businesses.
Our clients receive prompt legal advice.
We ensure confidentiality of information.
We care about legal security of our clients.
COMAX LIMITED legal support services include:
Legal advice on company operations.
Development of a legal infringements
Litigation support of the customer in civil and
economic disputes both of pecuniary and non-pecuniary nature.
Participation of a lawyer in the process of
judgments execution.
Legal representation of the client in relations
with the state authorities, institutions, enterprises, organizations,
client-side participation in the negotiations.
Facilitation of pre-trial dispute resolution.
Client’s advocacy in administrative
litigation, contestation of decisions, actions and (or) inactions of
Advice on establishment and restructuring of
enterprises. Preparation of statutory documents, registration of sole
proprietors, enterprises of different forms of business ownership, introduction
and registration of changes to the statutory documents of enterprises,
introduction of amendments to legal entity records, registration of social
Legal documents expertise.
Drafting of contracts and other documents of a
civil law character.
Registration, re-registration, liquidation of